Guess what?! I got an award. My mom got this award for her blog by another blogger. What you're supposed to do is give it to three other people. So here are my choices: my friend, Jed, has a blog that is more of a website full of games: Mastermind Games! I would also like to award it to my dad's two blogs: The Title of Liberty and The Iron Rod.
1. My favorite color is red. 2. My favorite food is watermelon. 3. I want to be a politician. 4. I am the oldest of seven children. 5. I like to collect coins. 6. I enjoy creating websites. 7. I love to read. 8. I pretend to make my own countries. 9. I created a constitution for my family. 10. I'm not sure what else to write right now!
Congratulations Son!! Its a well deserved award. Keep up the good work!
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